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Chinese translation for "import formalities"


Related Translations:
customs formality and requirements:  海关手续和规定
anticipatory import:  预计进口
imported inflation:  进口通胀;输入通胀输入型通货膨胀输入性通货膨胀外来通货膨胀
import limitation:  进口限制
orange imported:  进口橙
import export:  进出囗业进口出口
import duty:  进口关税,进口税进口关税险进口税入口税输入税;进口税
free imports:  免税进口货
import prohibited:  不准进口
import camera:  导入摄像机
Example Sentences:
1.However , some trade terms require that the buyer handle export formalities and others require that the seller handle import formalities
2.Medicines to be imported in small quantities for urgent clinical needs by medical organizations or for personal use shall go through import formalities according to relevant regulations of the state
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